A Course in Miracles Workbook Practice Group - Introduction Meeting Event


A Course in Miracles Workbook Practice Group - Introduction Meeting We are inspired to extend a broader invitation to a one year A Course in Miracles Workbook Practice Group starting January 1st 2023. 15 committed Courageous Companions already registered. Here we are entering the last month in 2022 we might ask ourselves… How do I want to spend 2023? or even… What is my life for? Whether you are an experienced A Course in Miracles student or new to the Course Alexandra and Brian would like to journey with you and facilitate 52 weekly meetings. These meetings are aimed at stoking the fire of truth and adding momentum to carry us forward in our commitment to practice the workbook in its entirety. We therefore are embarking on an organized well-structured and carefully planned program aimed at learning how to offer to the Holy Spirit everything you do not want. [CE T-12.IV.7:1] Each week we will cover the key points and the practice instructions in the lessons. We’ll discuss our experiences and even share practice time together. Our Practice Group is a time to open and soften into group miracle mindedness. We encourage attending all 52 classes. Recordings will be available. The level of group engagement outside the weekly classes is optional and will be organic. With our shared determination this year-long mind training is certain to bring a sane and clear way of thinking and seeing. These transformative teachings give us detailed instructions on how to actualize the holy ideas presented in the lessons. All we have to do is follow the instructions and they prove their efficacy to us. With a little willingness a happy outcome is sure! Can we discover a unified purpose for our lives and feel the spark of a higher willingness carry us into happiness? Let's unlearn the blocks that keep us afraid and small and open instead to the healing nature of true forgiveness. The way to Love is loving. The way to peace is peaceful. This course was sent to open up the path of light to us and teach us step by step how to return to the eternal Self we thought we lost. I take the journey with you. For I share your doubts and fears a little while that you may come to me who recognize the road by which all doubts and fears are overcome. We walk together. [CE W-Re.5.In.5:4-6:3] JOIN US Intro and Orientation to Workbook Practice Group via zoom Thursdays 12/22 and 12/29 6-8pm PT Attend one or both meetings. Format: 6-7pm Overview of our approach for the Practice Group and Q & A break. 7:05-8pm We’ll join in setting the goal to start our first week of 2023. We’ll go over practice instructions for the first 5 lessons before our first group meeting on Thurs. Jan 5 6-8pm. Weekly through 2023: Thursdays 6-8pm PT We individually practice 365 lessons beginning Jan 1 2023 and meet in group once a week via zoom to consolidate integrate and encourage our practice. Our first weekly group meeting will be Thursday Jan 5 6-8pm Contribution: Optional ($6 per week or more suggested) For more info email Alexandra at miraclesarenatural@gmail.com and we’ll send registration info. With Peace in our Hearts Brian & Alexandra Theard Below FAQ - answering anticipated questions. What format will the Thursday 2 hour meetings take? We tune into guidance. Each meeting is unique. The flow of each meeting may take the form of… Opening prayer Opening exercise based on the lessons covered Summary of the lessons covered in last week Discussion questions Discussion of how the ideas felt to apply Exercise / meditation Closing prayer Will there be recordings if I miss a Practice Group? Yes sent via email after the meeting. What are the expectations and requirements for group members? Agreement to follow the group guidelines (pdf given at intro meeting). Email Alexandra if you’d like a copy in advance. No one is required to do anything but the suggestion is to intend and commit to participate in “A Year Through” the workbook as instructed in the Course. What are the benefits of doing the workbook? Deep peace of mind A mind that becomes consistent in choosing peace Release from guilt The recognition of your true Self Happiness and joy in your daily life A life lived in love instead of fear peace instead of conflict and joy instead of pain Harmonious and loving relationships based on forgiveness The experience of God’s presence Release from a sense of powerlessness loss and deprivation Learning to access inner guidance Discovery of your life’s purpose Being truly helpful to others Are these benefits guaranteed? Each to their own capacity. We have observed those doing the workbook come closer and close to these benefits. Our experience over the years… when our focus is on the workbook there is a natural increase in Grace that expands in all areas of life. One might say a year with the workbook is the best year ever. Welcome 2023. I’m new to the Course can I join this workbook practice group? Yes bring your willingness and you can see great results. Is this a closed group or can others join after it has started on January 1 2023? We encourage starting on January 1 however if there are inquiries to join after Jan 1 we’d like to meet with you and see if it’s a fit for you to join the group. What version of the Course will we be using? We will be using the Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) published by the Circle of Atonement or as a free app on your desktop or phone. The CE (Complete Edition) includes 45000 words of restored text and original wording plus extensive footnotes and 33 cameo essays.


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