
Explore the magical world of the Wizard of the Oz with us through a series of fun games and activities. We will be playing a special themed board game, trying our hands at a cross word puzzle and creating our very own bookmarks! Here at the British Council libraries, we recognise the importance of play when it comes to a child’s development and growth and these activities are designed to help children develop their cognitive and social skills. EVENT REGISTRATION AND DETAILS Event Date: Saturday, 24 June, 2023 Event Time: 3PM - 4PM Location: British Council Lahore Library About the facilitator: Maryam Akram is a freelance illustrator who helps her daughter do her homework during the day and illustrates at night when she’s asleep. She loves Kashmiri chai and bakar khani and you can find her here on Instagram @kashmirichaiandbooks Prior registration is mandatory. If you face any difficulty in registering for this event, please write to us at librarylhr@britishcouncil.org.pk The charges for this event are PKR 200 for members and PKR 300 for non-members. The event is appropriate for children aged 6 to 13 We encourage drop-offs as parking is not available on the premises. Please note that parking is at the owner’s risk and British Council will not take any responsibility for loss or damage.


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