Happiness, Health, Peace, Fulfilled life- Online every Sunday / Healing Technique TISA Event


Happiness, Health, Peace, Fulfilled life- Online every Sunday / Healing Technique TISA Transformation, Information, Self-healing, Activation. A therapeutic, energetic, supportive, safe and cleansing group of all the ballast that we no longer need in our lives. For anyone who needs and seeks help, answers, guidance and support in your personal, emotional, mental and spiritual development. Every Sunday from 8pm - 9pm Ljubljana, Slovenia CET time via zoom until April 30, 2023. The transformation in us begins the moment we decide to change something in our life. Information that comes leaves a big mark on us. And we can never look at ourselves in the same old way again. The way forward opens up for us. For immediate change. Self-healing begins the second the information is heard, grasped, embraced and accepted. Change, self-healing, transformation and healing begin within us. Activation happens when we wake up with new knowledge about ourselves and open ourselves to new possibilities of creating our life in the direction of a better future. The group is intended for everyone who wants to change their life and free themselves from the weight of the past. Emotional weight, old memories and energy, trapped trauma in the body...breathe and release in 5 minutes. In just 5 minutes. It will be that easy for All of us. Each week we will touch on the different burdens and challenges you face in your life, release them and lay a new and healthy foundation for a bright future. By changing and eliminating old patterns and trapped emotional energies in ourselves, we open ourselves up to changes, new life potential and a greater understanding of ourselves. Weekly meetings via zoom, where we work intensively on ourselves from the safe haven of our home. No prior knowledge or physical fitness is necessary to participate. Just a heartfelt desire for change. Fear - we will eliminate it. Enter the knowledge and awareness of where it comes from, why it is here. Faith and courage return. Direction - a bright future. Sadness - it's time for it to go. When the body is freed from the weight of sadness and tension, the person can finally breathe again. Illness - find the cause, become aware and let it go. There is always a reason for the body to suffer. When the cause is gone, the body returns to a healthy balance. Anxiety - return to peace. Tension in the body, tension in the emotions and tension in the mind creates chaos in the body. By becoming aware and letting go of all this, a blissful peace of mind, body and emotions comes. Self-esteem - it bounces back. Who convinced me that I am not good enough, beautiful, capable, strong...etc.? I am letting go of the old, accepting the new knowledge of myself. The weight of the past - let it go, let it go. We all have it. But it depends on the individual what he will do with it. Will it weaken you or strengthen you? Will you let it go, get rid of it or continue to live with it? Lack of love - return to yourself and openness to acceptance. First is self-love and second is love for others. Healthy receiving and healthy giving. Healthy self-awareness. When we love ourselves, we are open and it comes back to us in all forms. Loneliness - connection. Loneliness is not a nice feeling. When did it start, where did it come from? What is the cause? Separation from oneself and separation from others leaves a deep void in the individual that has no end in sight. When we eliminate the cause, the emptiness is filled, the person becomes whole and connected to everything. Difficult relationships - letting go, forgiveness, understanding, awareness, we build them anew. The eternal dilemma of who is to blame makes it difficult for us to have a good mutual understanding. What if there is no one to blame or if the responsibility is shared by both parties? At that time, a completely new horizon opens for us to build solid, beautiful and harmonious relationships, first with ourselves and then with others. Abundance in all areas - acceptance and new creation. For each of us, abundance means and represents something different. What is abundance to you? And why? When we really get into these questions, it is very quickly revealed to us why it is still absent in our lives. When I see and recognize the reason why it is still not there, I open myself up to new possibilities of creating my life in the desired direction. And many other topics that we will encounter. Information and energy healing can be used as a holistic approach to relieving, eliminating and changing the physical and emotional issues that many of us struggle with and can be the holistic solution you have been looking for. The contribution to the meeting is €15. The monthly contribution for four meetings is €50. ( €10 savings ) 3 monthly contributions of twelve meetings is €120. ( €60 savings ) All information and registration to: inesziga.tisa@gmail.com After registration and payment, you will receive a link to the meeting and an invoice by email. When registering, please indicate whether you are registering for a one-time event or a monthly meeting or for 3 months. Link to direct payment: https://buy.stripe.com/6oE5mH9ifdKbfzW9AG Stripe info: Choose what you want, delete the rest...and confirm. TISA Activation℠ is led by Ines Žiga, with 25 years of work in the energy, alternative and spiritual fields, founder and teacher of the Healing Transformation Technique TISA.℠ See you :) #knowledgeispower #returningtoyourself #tisaactivation #freeingyourself #brightfuture #peaceandhappiness #tisa #health#love#abundance #personalgrowth #personalstrengthandcourage #PowerfulLifeChangingHealingTechniqueTISA #askyourbodyandyourbodywillanswer


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